Contributing ============ Clone from the git repo at: Create a virtual environment and install the dev dependencies: .. code-block:: console $ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt All theme styling is done via SCSS, which is compiled into CSS before publishing the package. Do not edit the theme's CSS files directly. Pygments styling is handled directly in ``sphinx_library.themes``. These themes generate SCSS files which are then compiled into CSS files and included with the theme. The ```` script handles all of the SCSS compilation, and also builds the project documentation. .. code-block:: console $ python Docs hosting is handled by GitHub pages, so the source RST files are in ``docs-source`` and the built HTML output is in ``docs/``. Due to the nature of GitHub pages the built HTML should be committed whenever it changes. Finally, to build a package and upload to PyPI: .. code-block:: console $ python sdist bdist_wheel $ twine upload dist/*