Customization ============= Sphinx Options -------------- In addition to theme options (below), some common Sphinx options (set in ````) are also respected by the theme. See the full link of `Sphinx configuration options `_. * **html_logo** --- Path to a logo image which will appear in the sidebar. * **project** --- The name of your project. It appears in the sidebar and elsewhere in the docs. * **copyright** --- String containing date and/or owner of the project. * **html_last_updated_fmt** --- If not ``None``, adds a timestamp in the footer. * **html_show_copyright** --- Show the ``copyright`` field in the footer. * **html_show_sourcelink** --- Show the ``.rst`` source link in the footer. * **html_show_sphinx** --- Show "Created using Sphinx" in the footer. Theme Options ------------- Options are set in the ``html_theme_options`` variable in ````: .. code-block:: python # html_theme_options = { "show_breadcrumbs": True, } The following theme options are available: * **description** --- Short text blurb about your project, to appear under the logo or project name. * **extra_links** --- Dictionary mapping link names to link targets; these will be added in the sidebar (if you've set ``extralinks.html`` via the ``html_sidebars`` option). This is useful for adding GitHub links, donate links, etc. For example: .. code-block:: python # html_theme_options: { "extra_links": { "Source Code": "", } } * **globaltoc_collapse** --- Boolean to only expand subsections of the current document in ``globaltoc.html``. Defaults to True. * **globaltoc_includehidden** --- Boolean to show even those subsections in ``globaltoc.html`` which have been included with the ``:hidden:`` flag of the toctree directive. Defaults to True. * **globaltoc_maxdepth** --- Integer of the maximum depth of the toctree in ``globaltoc.html``. Set it to -1 to allow unlimited depth. Defaults to the max depth selected in the toctree directive. * **reading_mode** --- Set the default reading mode color scheme. One of ``light``, ``sepia``, or ``dark``. Set to ``None`` to use the browser's default styles. Defaults to light. * **show_breadcrumbs** --- Boolean to show breadcrumb links of ancestors to the current document at the top of the page. Defaults to False. * **show_project_name** --- Set to ``False`` to hide the project name in the sidebar. * **show_version** --- Shows the project version below the logo/name in the sidebar. * **show_relbar_bottom** --- Boolean to show Previous/Next links at the bottom of the page. Defaults to True. * **show_relbar_top** --- Boolean to show Previous/Next links at the top of the page. Defaults to False. * **sponsors** --- List of dictionaries containing sponsors or other highlighted links in the sidebar. Dictionary contents are all optional and include: .. code-block:: python # html_theme_options = { "sponsors": [ { "href": "", # URL to link to. "image": "logo.png", # URL or path to image. "large": True, # Use large image format. "title": "Sponsor Us", # Shown beside/below image. "note": "Become a member.", # Shown beside/below image. }, ], } * **sponsors_heading** --- Heading above the sponsors section in the sidebar, if ``sponsors`` is provided. Defaults to "Sponsors". * **typography** --- The typeface stack to use throughout the docs. One of the following values: * academy * academy-native * book * book-native * engineer * engineer-native * humanist * humanist-native * swiss * swiss-native For example: .. code-block:: python # html_theme_options = { "typography": "humanist", } See typography section below for more details. Typography ---------- Several hand-tuned typography stacks are included to change the feel of your documentation. Each features carefully selected typeface pairings which have been balanced with the theme layout to create a book-like reading experience. * **Book** --- Highly legible type inspired by printed books. The default, and good for general purpose use. * **Humanist** --- Another highly legible type, with a fresh and more casual look. * **Academy** --- An elegant and formal early 20th-century type favored by academic publications and legal documents. * **Engineer** --- A semi-slab-serif type; formal but much cleaner and more modern than "academy". * **Swiss** --- Sans-serif type providing an austere but clean look. These stacks utilize the Google Fonts and jsDelivr CDN to load web fonts (and include appropriate fallbacks). Each stack also includes a ``-native`` version, which does not load any web fonts but instead uses fonts available from the user's computer. Use this if you seek absolute minimal resource usage or plan to primarily distribute the HTML offline. For more details, see :doc:`design-notes`. To implement your own custom type stack, set the ``typography`` option to ``None`` and then add your own styles following the Custom CSS instructions below. Custom CSS ---------- Library's CSS is designed to be easily overridden. This means it avoids complex queries, and does not specify attributes more than once where possible (e.g. color, font, font-size, etc. are only set on the ``body`` element, so changing it once here will affect the whole document). If you need to modify Library's default CSS styles, you may provide a custom stylesheet as follows: * Create a file named ``custom.css`` in your static folder (typically named ``_static/``). * Set the Sphinx option `html_static_path `_ to either that file's path, or the directory it lives within (i.e. ``"_static"``).