Library Sphinx Theme ==================== Library is a minimal typography-centric theme for the `Sphinx `_ documentation system, designed to read like a good book. Features include: * Publisher-selectable typeface stacks. * User-selectable light/sepia/dark reading modes. * Mobile-friendly responsive design. `Source Code `_ | `Documentation `_ | `PyPI `_ Design ------ "Library" is inspired by design of the printed page. Black and white, without colors, embellishments, or icons --- for a good book the typography itself is the only source of design. "Library" returns to these literary roots by keeping colors, shapes, and frills to a minimum --- focusing instead on whitespace and typography to produce legible, daresay *enjoyable*, documentation. This is a refreshed Sphinx theme for font nerds with a focus on legibility and long-form reading. Read more in :doc:`/design-notes/`. Typeface Stacks --------------- Several hand-tuned font stacks are included to change the feel of your documentation. Each features carefully selected typeface pairings which have been balanced with the theme layout to create a book-like reading experience. * **Book** --- Highly legible type inspired by printed books. The default, and good for general purpose use. * **Humanist** --- Another highly legible type, with a fresh and more casual look. * **Academy** --- An elegant and formal early 20th-century type favored by academic publications and legal documents. * **Engineer** --- A semi-slab-serif type; formal but much cleaner and more modern than "academy". * **Swiss** --- Sans-serif type providing an austere but clean look. See options in :doc:`/customize` or typeface details in :doc:`/design-notes`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: installation customize design-notes contributing sample