
Install the package, and add it to your requirements.txt:

pip install sphinx-library

Next, edit the file in your Sphinx project to use the Library theme:

html_theme = "library"

Also set the appropriate sidebars in your file. Library comes with a few to enable various navigation elements in the sidebar; add, remove, or reorder them as you see fit:

html_sidebars = {
    "**": [
        "about.html",         # Project name, description, etc.
        "searchbox.html",     # Search.
        "extralinks.html",    # Links specified in theme options.
        "globaltoc.html",     # Global table of contents.
        #"localtoc.html",     # Contents of the current page.
        "readingmodes.html",  # Light/sepia/dark color schemes.
        "sponsors.html",      # Fancy sponsor links.

Additional sidebars are built-in to Sphinx. See html_sidebars documentation.

Finally, it is important to specify the language of your documentation. This is not only an HTML best practice — it also enables additional typographic features of the theme, such as the ability to automatically hyphenate words when wrapping lines (just like a printed book).

language = "en"